Monday, January 24, 2011

Main Street, Seattle

A mixture
of old and new
meet on Main Street;
where cars mingle with 
horse drawn carriages,
and popular chain stores
are in century-old

Go to a place
where rooms used to be 
75 cents,
where buildings fashionable
in the early century
still live.
Where you can buy
a cup of coffee
and visit funky stores
to see new trends. 

Old-fashioned lamps
light up the streets
alongside silver skyscrapers.
Newly paved roads
run over hills,
racing past an ornately decorated
streetcar stop.

History preserved perfectly
among the proceeding

A glimpse of the past
and a taste of the future;
a place where time
has no meaning.

These pictures were taken in Seattle. It struck me how amazing the history was preserved here, with many historical sights. The first picture was of an old building across from a park, and the second picture is of another building that used to be a hotel.